Translation for "sing-at-the-same-time" to spanish
Translation examples
‘It must be hard work swimming and singing at the same time,’ said Cecil, turning the page.
—Debe de ser difícil nadar y cantar al mismo tiempo —dijo Cecil, volviendo la página—.
Sweat appears slowly, first on her shoulder, then her back, finally her thighs are moist; breath, heels, hips, and arms embody the music, all that she understands of it, she begins to sing at the same time, disorderly chorus, routine trance.
El sudor llega lentamente, primero el hombro, luego la espalda, finalmente los muslos se vuelven húmedos, respirar, talones, caderas y brazos representan la música, todo lo que le llega dentro, empieza a cantar al mismo tiempo, coros desordenados, trance cotidiano.
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