Translation for "showing her" to spanish
Translation examples
"This and this," said Juliet, showing her.
—Esto y esto —dijo Juliet, mostrándole.
Ellie enjoyed showing her the house.
Ellie disfrutó mostrándole la casa.
    Binny showed her out and was incoherently sympathetic.
Binny la acompañó hasta la salida, mostrándole simpatía.
I cried, and showed her my oxygen gauge.
—exclamé mostrándole el indicador de mi tanque de oxígeno.
She turned her head to show her profile.
La mujer torció la cabeza, mostrándole su perfil.
he asked, showing her his profile with exaggerated haughtiness.
—preguntó, mostrándole su perfil con una arrogancia exagerada.
“No doubt, my nephew is showing her around the estate,” said the priest.
–Sin duda mi sobrino está mostrándole la finca –dedujo el sacerdote–.
“I know now.” Myron showed her the book in his hand.
—Ya lo sé todo —dijo Myron mostrándole el libro que tenía en la mano—.
“Congratulations, dear friend,” he told Úrsula, showing her the telegram.
«La felicito, comadre», le dijo a Úrsula, mostrándole el telegrama.
"It's all about like this." Bob showed her the back of the Jeep.
—Todo lo que hay es como esto —dijo Bob mostrándole la parte trasera del jeep.
And I was just showing her our community.
Y yo estaba mostrando su nuestra comunidad.
Showing her shiny teeth.
Mostrando su brillante sonrisa.
Showing her face back here!
¡Mostrando su cara de nuevo aquí!
She doesn't have any arms so she makes up for it by showing her breasts, honey.
No tiene brazos, así que lo compensa mostrando su pecho, cielo.
That's how the fig dies... showing her crimson through the purple slit.
Así es como muere un higo... mostrando su carmesí a través de esa grieta púrpura.
maybe showing her love with eyes just check it out ..
tal vez mostrando su amor con los ojos Sólo mirala bien ..
If you sketch a portrait of Patty showing her inner beauty.
Si muestras un retrato de Patty mostrando su belleza interior.
Thatplan is always showing her sensuality and her underwear
En plan de que siempre está mostrando su sensualidad y su ropa interior.
He's showing her his love.
Le está mostrando su amor.
And she was finally showing her true face.
Por fin estaba mostrando su verdadera cara.
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