Translation for "shoots himself" to spanish
Shoots himself
Translation examples
- Then shoots himself in the leg.
- Se dispara en una pierna.
After jeremy tried to shoot himself?
¿Despues de que Jeremy se disparo?
Hitler shoots himself in the head.
Se dispara en la cabeza .
One doesn't shoot himself.
Uno no se dispara a sí mismo.
Why did Dean shoot himself?
¿Por qué Dean se disparó?
What did he shoot himself with?
¿Con qué se disparó?
'Sir Harvey didn't shoot himself.
—Sir Harvey no se disparó un tiro.
Then, fading, he shoots himself, for good measure.
Luego, mientras se esfuma, se dispara a sí mismo, como medida preventiva.
“I suppose he did shoot himself. You didn’t shoot him, did you?” “Me?”
—Supongo que sí se disparó él. No lo hiciste tú, ¿o sí? —¿Yo?
‘I saw him shoot himself,’ I whispered to Angela, the nurse on call.
—Vi cómo se disparó —susurré a Angela, la enfermera de guardia—.
Hitler did shoot himself and give Eva Braun cyanide in the Führerbunker in 1945.
Hitler se disparó un tiro y dio a Eva Braun una dosis de cianuro en su búnker en 1945.
Big-time union official out hunting with his guide, and somehow he shoots himself.
Un importante dirigente sindical que va a cazar con un guía y que, no se sabe cómo, se dispara un tiro.
And although he had a gun in his hand—this girl’s gun by the way—he didn’t shoot himself in the heart.
Y aunque tenía una pistola en la mano, la pistola de la chica, por cierto… no se disparó en el corazón.
—Of course, I only asked in order to get an expert opinion, it’s obvious that any suicide shoots himself point-blank.
—Claro, era solo para precisar un detalle técnico, es evidente que un suicida se dispara a quemarropa.
But instead he takes the time to write ‘My fault’ on a prescription pad, reach for a gun that wasn’t the one he’d owned for years, and shoot himself.
Pero, en lugar de eso, escribe «Culpa mía» en un talonario de recetas, alarga la mano hacia una pistola que no era la que tenía desde hacía años y se dispara.
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