Translation for "she expressing" to spanish
Translation examples
Oh, she expresses herself very frankly.
Oh, se expresa con bastante franqueza.
No, she expressed herself perfectly.
No, se expresó perfectamente.
- How she expresses herself.
Así se expresa.
No... she expressed herself well.
No... ella se expresó bien.
And Lennox being a writer, I mean... she expresses herself even more than that.
Y Lennox escribiendo, creo que... se expresa incluso mucho más que eso.
Because Maggie is feeling so uncomfortable she expresses herself in a likewise way.
Como Maggie se siente tan a disgusto por eso se expresa de esa forma.
Yeah, we think it's important that she expresses herself.
Sí. Creemos que es importante que se exprese.
I understand she expressed herself quite, um, forcefully on the subject.
Por lo que sé, se expresó con, digamos, bastante contundencia.
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