Translation for "several of books" to spanish
Translation examples
Author or co-author of several papers, books, book reviews and commentaries, including: Obot, I. S. (2013), "Alcohol marketing in Africa: not an ordinary business", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 12 (1), 63-73; Umoh, O., Obot, P., and Obot, I.S. (2012), "Perception of alcohol availability, promotion and policy in Nigeria", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 11(2), 107-116; Hall, W., Babor, T., Edwards, G., Laranjeira, R., Marsden, J., Miller, P., Obot, I., Petry, N., Thamarangsi, T. and West, R. (2012), "Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction (Editorial)".
Autor o coautor de varios ensayos, libros, reseñas de libros y comentarios, entre los que cabe citar los siguientes: Obot, I.S. (2013), "Alcohol marketing in Africa: not an ordinary business", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 12(1), 63 a 73; Umoh, O., Obot, P. y Obot, I.S. (2012), "Perception of alcohol availability, promotion and policy in Nigeria", African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies, 11(2), 107 a 116; Hall, W., Babor, T., Edwards, G., Laranjeira, R., Marsden, J., Miller, P., Obot, I., Petry, N., Thamarangsi, T. y West, R. (2012), "Compulsory detention, forced detoxification and enforced labour are not ethically acceptable or effective ways to treat addiction. (Editorial)", Addiction, 107(11), 1891 a 1893; Obot, I.S. (2012), "Developing countries ignore drinking and driving problems at their own peril: Commentary on Pechansky and Chandran: Why don't Northern hemisphere solutions to drunk driving work in Southern America?", Addiction, 107(7), 1209 y 1210; Obot, I.S. (2011), "Improved rankings of drugs can bring sense and order to a failed system.
Several hundred books, and at least that many magazines, were piled in the single small room.
Varios cientos de libros y, como mínimo, un número igual de revistas por todos los rincones de la única habitación.
also some rough bookshelves, containing several hundred books, all mildewed by many rainy seasons and riddled by silver fish.
además, había unos estantes toscos con varios centenares de libros, todos muy estropeados por culpa de las muchas estaciones lluviosas y plagados de lepisma.
He checked Roberto Bolanõ, the author of 2666, and although it wasn’t available from the normal Kindle menu, it was listed in several Ur Books submenus.
Consultó Roberto Bolaño, el autor de 2666, y aunque esta no estaba disponible en el menú normal de Kindle, sí figuraba en varios submenús de Libros Ur.
Besides, he had seen with his own eyes how large the Terahnee libraries were, and the thought of trying to bring back and then store what might possibly be several million Books was a daunting one.
Además, había visto con sus propios ojos lo enormes que eran las bibliotecas de Terahnee, y la idea de intentar traer y luego almacenar lo que seguramente serían varios millones de libros le parecía algo aterrador.
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