Translation for "several agents" to spanish
Several agents
Translation examples
Reportedly, several agents of the interior security service, dressed in civilian clothes, were responsible for his disappearance.
Según se informa, varios agentes del servicio de seguridad nacional vestidos de paisano fueron los responsables de su desaparición.
Several agents tried to go undercover inside his network.
Varios agentes intentaron entrar encubiertos en su red.
Well, so far, the only public announcement was that several agents, including their resident director Major Barrett, have been arrested.
Por ahora, el único anuncio público es que varios agentes incluido el director residente, el comandante Barrett, están detenidos.
Although leaf desiccation and decline in vigor could be symptomatic of several agents, the mycelia appressed to the sapwood are a clear indication of Armillaria mellea,
pueden ser sintomáticos de varios agentes, los micelios hallados en la albura son un claro indicio de Armillaria mellea,
Several agents were killed.
Varios agentes murieron.
There are several agents eager to take this case.
Hay varios agentes que desean asumir este caso.
To Nash’s surprise, several agents actually cheered this.
Para sorpresa de Nash, varios agentes lo celebraron.
He was so strong it took several agents to subdue him.
Y, robusto como era, se necesitaron varios agentes para reducirlo.
She smacked weapons effortlessly out of several agents’ hands.
Sin apenas esfuerzo, les quitó de las manos las armas a varios agentes.
We have had several agents deep inside for many years.
Tenemos varios agentes muy bien infiltrados allí desde hace años.
Several agents whistled their appreciation of Pepper the arson dog.
Varios agentes expresaron con silbidos la admiración que sentían por Pepper, el perro olfateador de incendios provocados.
Several agents glanced at him, their jaws locked in both concentration and concern, but Alex’s focus was only on his target.
Varios agentes lo miraron, las mandíbulas en tensión por la concentración y la preocupación, pero Alex solo se centró en su objetivo.
He’s expelled several agents from Prague and authorized an investigation into the death of the old Foreign Minister, Jan Masaryk.’
Ha expulsado a varios agentes de Praga y ha aprobado la investigación de la muerte del antiguo ministro de Exteriores, Jan Masaryk.
He had sent several agents to try to question the suspects, but they had been executed before the Americans got the chance to talk to them.
Había enviado a varios agentes para tratar de interrogar a los sospechosos, pero fueron ejecutados antes de que los estadounidenses tuvieran ocasión de hablar con ellos.
O’Neill located several agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration and the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security who were also in the country.
O’Neill localizó a varios agentes de la Administración de Drogas y Narcóticos (DEA) y de la Oficina del Servicio de Seguridad Diplomática del Departamento de Estado que también estaban en el país.
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