Translation for "send home" to spanish
Send home
Translation examples
Maureen provided presents for him to send home on her behalf, at the news of each birth.
Maureen le hacía regalos para que los enviara a casa en su nombre cada vez que llegaban noticias de un nuevo nacimiento.
At present we have twenty-three patients, one of whom I expect to be able to send home in a month or two.
Tenemos en este momento veintitrés pacientes, y a uno de ellos espero poderle enviar a casa dentro de un par de meses.
It was one of the Standard Field Service Postcards that front-line soldiers were allowed to send home after a battle.
Era una de las Tarjetas Postales Normalizadas del Ejército que los soldados de la línea del frente estaban autorizados a enviar a casa después de una batalla.
She knew that ultimately it was all about interest, and interest on the interest: about the money she would send home after successfully completing her studies.
Sabía que, en definitiva, se trataba de pagar con creces: se trataba del dinero que ella, una vez coronados con éxito los estudios, pudiera enviar a casa.
‘Then one day Careus here picked me up and carried me back to safety and said, Mealy, boy, you better retire right now while there’s still some of you left to send home.
Entonces un día Careus me recogió, me puso a salvo y me dijo, Harinoso, muchacho, es mejor que te jubiles ahora mismo mientras todavía quede un poco de ti para enviar a casa.
Smith managed to consume a great many books while in France, but after the loss of his long poem ‘The Burial of Sophocles’ en route from England he was constantly concerned to send home anything he wrote.
Smith consiguió devorar un montón de obras durante su estancia en Francia, pero después de la pérdida de su largo poema «El entierro de Sófocles» durante el viaje a Francia, siempre procuraba enviar a casa todo lo que escribía.
When it was over and all the old people, women and children were dead, they dismounted and raided the teepees, looking for interesting loot to send home. There were several more shots from inside the lodges when still-living children were found.
Cuando no quedó nadie vivo, los soldados desmontaron y saquearon los tipis para hacerse con un botín que mereciese la pena enviar a casa. De paso, remataron a tiros a los niños que encontraron vivos.
Even in print I could hear her tone, smugly congratulating me on already earning the prince’s affections—she had been informed that I was the only one to get gifts to send home—and telling me firmly to keep up whatever I was doing.
Incluso por escrito notaba su tono, felicitándome veladamente por haberme ganado el afecto del príncipe —Justin la había informado de que yo era la única a la que le habían hecho un regalo para enviar a casa— y diciéndome que siguiera haciéndolo como hasta entonces.
He put in five rands of Fah-Fee winnings when he was very, very lucky, he took out sums to send home when there was a crisis in his family, far from his intervention—the only authority left to him, at that distance, was money.
Anotaba cinco rands de ganancias del Fah-Fee cuando tenía mucha, mucha suerte, sacaba cantidades para enviar a casa cuando había una crisis en la familia, lejos de su intervención: la única autoridad que le quedaba a esa distancia era el dinero.
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