Translation for "semi-direct" to spanish
Translation examples
The work was being done by an aggregate of computing wills scattered across the heavens, partly by direct orders, partly by a semi-direct control, brain to neurone, bypassing that foggy swamp which comprised Gurlick’s consciousness. Gurlick disliked the whole thing mightily, but except for a lachrymose grumble, no protest was possible.
El trabajo era realizado por un conjunto de voluntades procesadas y esparcidas a través de los cielos, en parte por órdenes directas, en parte por control semidirecto, de cerebro a neurona, evitando ese pantano nebuloso que comprendía la conciencia de Gurlick, A éste le disgustaba enormemente todo el asunto, pero fuera de un quejido lastimero, no le era posible otra protesta.
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