Translation for "second wife was" to spanish
Translation examples
Argument for permitting marriage to a second wife
Argumento para autorizar el matrimonio con una segunda esposa
Some were acquired as a concubine or a second 'wife'.
Algunas fueron adquiridas como concubinas o segundas "esposas".
The need to take a second wife must be substantiated on valid health or social grounds, such as illness or barrenness, etc.
La necesidad de tomar una segunda esposa debe fundarse en razones válidas de salud o sociales, como enfermedad o esterilidad, etc.
There are instances where the husband will marry a second wife to ensure the birth of a son.
Hay casos en que el marido se casa con una segunda esposa para asegurar el nacimiento de un varón.
Where it did exist, sharia law required men to be financially and physically capable of managing a second wife.
En los lugares en que existe, la ley cherámica obliga al varón a estar en condiciones de atender económica y físicamente a una segunda esposa.
(a) Before a marriage contract for a second wife is concluded, the judge shall verify the following matters:
a) Antes de la concertación del contrato de matrimonio con una segunda esposa, el juez verificará:
He has been married twice and has five children with his second wife.
Se ha casado dos veces y tiene cinco hijos con su segunda esposa.
3. Law No. 188 (1959), the personal status law, determines the reasons for marrying a second wife.
3) La Ley núm. 188 (1959), relativa al estatuto personal, define las razones para contraer matrimonio con una segunda esposa.
(ii) Whether the prospective second wife has been informed that her prospective husband already has a wife.
ii) Si la segunda esposa en perspectiva ha sido informada de que su futuro esposo ya tiene una esposa;
But I'm his second wife;
Pero yo soy su segunda esposa;
She was my second wife.
Ella era mi segunda esposa.
Second wife of Wayalonya.
La segunda esposa de Wayalonya.
The second wife is there too.
La segunda esposa también está aquí.
—No. The eldest—by the second wife.
—No, el mayor, de mi segunda esposa.
Now I have a second wife.
Ya tengo mi segunda esposa.
She was Beckerman’s second wife.
Era la segunda esposa de Beckerman.
Balkis is his second wife.
Balkis es su segunda esposa.
“I was practically a second wife.”
—Prácticamente era una segunda esposa.
Yes, and his second wife was a painter, and one portrait here in profile is just by her work.
Sí, y su segunda esposa, fue pintora, y uno de los retratos aquí en el perfil fue hecho por ella.
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