Translation for "scarey" to spanish
Translation examples
It's a scarey chapel your grandfather invented.
Es una espantosa capilla que tu abuelo invento.
A man with all bones came to talk to us he was not scarey at all, he had a big white hors.
Un hombre con todos huesos llegó a charlar con nosotros no era espantoso en absoluto, tenía un cavallo blanco grande.
 I had a half-brother, Phillip, six, a scarey and wonderful boy whom I could stand for whole weekends occasionally without my nerves completely shattering. I’d completely forgotten that Dad and his second wife Betty Jo (quite a reaction to an Aida Teagarden) were leaving for a convention in Chattanooga in a few days.
Tenía un hermanastro, Phillip, de seis años, un muchacho asustadizo y maravilloso que podía soportar durante fines de semana enteros sin que me estallaran los nervios. Se me había olvidado por completo que mi padre y su segunda mujer, Betty Jo (todo un cambio con respecto a Aida Teagarden), iban a asistir a una convención en Chattanooga durante unos días.
Then I told myself to get back on the track.) Jane Engle’s hair was definitely gray... then I thought of Gifford Doakes, whose hair was long and smoothly moussed into a pageboy or sometimes gathered in a ponytail, to John Queensland’s disgust. Gifford was a scarey person, and he was so interested in massacres ...
El pelo de Jane Engle era gris. Entonces pensé en Gifford Doakes, que tenía el pelo largo y suelto, aunque a veces se lo recogía en una coleta, para disgusto de John Queensland. Gifford daba miedo y le interesaban mucho las masacres…, y su amigo, Reynaldo, haría seguramente todo lo que Gifford le pidiera.
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