Translation for "savoyard" to spanish
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I often wonder why they call you porters Savoyards.
A menudo me pregunto por qué los llaman cargadores saboyanos.
Why are they called Savoyards?
¿Por qué los llaman saboyanos?
Not that. Did you know those Savoyards before?
Eso no. ¿Usted ya conocía a esos saboyanos?
Directly descended from Prince Eugene... whose father was Louis XIV, and not some Savoyard, as has been claimed.
Desciendo en línea directa del Príncipe Eugenio. Ergo, de Luis XIV. No de un saboyano cualquiera como dicen algunos.
The Savoyard lady was not young;
La dama saboyana no era joven;
Later on some of them became French, some German, some Savoyards….” [Note 54]
Más tarde algunos se convirtieron en franceses, otros en alemanes, otros en saboyanos…» [54].
this Savoyard vocero oppressed his heart, and he went to the doorway for a moment to breathe.
Pero el narrador saboyano le metía el corazón en un puño, y se salió un momento a la puerta para respirar.
The music had calmed down. From the reception rooms came the slow beat of a Savoyard groove.
La música se había calmado, de los salones de recepción llegaba la pulsación lenta de un groove saboyano.
I found my reward in the Savoyard landscape, which greets you betimes with something of a Southern smile.
Hallé mi recompensa en el paisaje saboyano, que enseguida te recibe con una suerte de sonrisa meridional.
It might very well be that he was some Savoyard lordling unused to being kept waiting, and that his hunger made him irritable and impatient.
Quizá se trataba de algún caballero saboyano poco acostumbrado a esperar y a quien el apetito había puesto irritable e impaciente.
Here was no foreign Provençal or Savoyard, but an Anglo-Norman like themselves who would give his all to this England that he had adopted and clearly loved.
No era un extranjero provenzal o saboyano, sino un anglonormando como ellos, que lo daría todo por aquella Inglaterra que había adoptado como patria y a la que amaba.
Until then he had ignored that the Black Corsair had had a daughter from his marriage and had died on the Alps in defense of its strong Piedmont and the Savoyard Dukes.
Hasta entonces había ignorado que el Corsario Negro hubiese tenido de su matrimonio una hija y que hubiera muerto en los Alpes defendiendo el Piamonte y a los duques saboyanos.
The greed of the Provençals and Savoyards, which the king did nothing to discourage, sowed seeds of discontent among the Anglo-Norman barons so that the king had no English adherents.
La avaricia de los provenzales y saboyanos, a los que el rey no paraba los pies, habían sembrado semillas de descontento entre los nobles anglonormandos, y el rey no tenía ningún simpatizante inglés.
Though I couldn’t understand why this “Savoyard” (I remembered a sentence in the article about Yvonne: “Her family is originally from the region”) spoke with the weary accents of Belleville.
Por lo demás, no entendía por qué aquel «saboyano» (me acordaba de la frase del artículo acerca de Yvonne: «Su familia es oriunda de la comarca») tenía el acento exhausto de Belleville.
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