Translation for "sand-cloud" to spanish
Translation examples
The trick was that he’d thought of it as one thing — a sand cloud — instead of as three hundred individual grains.
El truco era pensar en la arena como una sola cosa: una nube de arena, en vez de pensar en trescientos granos individuales.
It was only when the sand cloud finally cleared that he found his return to the surface was going to be no easy matter.
Fue sólo cuando la nube de arena finalmente se despejó que encontró que su regreso a la superficie no iba a ser cosa fácil.
while the sand-cloud settled to show him one among a half-a-dozen Longwings, Lily raising her head out of her shielding wing beside him, all of them huddled close in the sand-pit that was their place of quarantine.
Pudieron ver conforme se asentaba la nube de arena a media docena de Largarios. Junto a Excidium se hallaba Lily, esta sacó la cabeza de debajo del ala que había levantado para protegerse.
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