Translation for "sallet" to spanish
Translation examples
There, pikemen with spotless surcoats and glittering steel sallets.
Allá, piqueros con impecables sobrevestas y brillantes celadas de acero.
His first thrust went through a thigh, the second clean into the side of a sallet helm.
La primera estocada atravesó un muslo, la segunda atravesó limpiamente una celada.
From the ventilating slot in the visor of his pink-glass sallet came a faint sob.
De la rendija de ventilación del visor de su celada de cristal rosa brotó un apagado sollozo.
The closest, mailed in a low, frog-brow sallet, swung a flail. Gerlach took aim.
El más próximo, que llevaba un yelmo bajo, de celada prominente, blandía un mangual. Gerlach apuntó.
In place of the heavy battlehelm he wore a light visorless sallet surmounted by three horns.
En vez del pesado casco de batalla llevaba una ligera celada sin visor coronada por tres cuernos.
but someone held his head, compelling him to look out through the opened visor of his sallet.
alguien sujetó su cabeza, forzándole a mirar hacia adelante a través del abierto visor de su celada.
He fights wearing a Corinthian sallet without any crest, which completely covers his face apart from the eyes.
Combate con una celada corintia sin cimera, que le cubre por completo el rostro a excepción de los ojos.
Rousing from his stupor for a moment, he used the shreds of his psychokinetic power to squash them against the insides of the sallet.
Despertando por un momento de su estupor, utilizó los jirones de su poder psicocinético para aplastarlas contra la parte interior de la celada.
He was barefoot and naked as well, but his head was completely covered by a Corinthian helmet; only his eyes gleamed from the darkness of the sallet.
También él estaba descalzo y desnudo, pero tenía el rostro completamente cubierto por un yelmo corintio que solamente dejaba brillar los ojos en la oscuridad de la celada. No jadeaba;
He was wearing a salleted helmet now, which covered his face, and a red cloak on his shoulders. A large shield hung from his steed’s harness.
Ahora llevaba un yelmo con celada que le cubría el rostro, manto rojo sobre los hombros y un gran escudo colgado de los arreos del caballo.
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