Translation for "saharans" to spanish
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They were the true Saharans.
Ellos son los verdaderos saharauis.
Moreover, the pensions of Saharan soldiers who had retired from the Spanish army were being diverted by the Saharan authorities in the camps.
Además, las autoridades saharauis de los campamentos se apropian de las pensiones de los soldados saharauis veteranos del ejército español.
(a) Identification and registration of Saharan voters
a) Identificación e inscripción de los votantes saharauis
G. Western Saharan refugees
G. Refugiados saharauis
Saharan refugees
refugiados saharauis
F. Western Saharan refugees
F. Refugiados saharauis
Towns and villages had been twinned with their Saharan counterparts, Saharan children visited the Basque country and families from the Basque country visited the Saharan refugee camps in Tindouf.
Se hermanaron poblados y aldeas con sus homólogos saharauis, niños saharauis visitaron el país vasco y familias del país vasco visitaron los campamentos de refugiados saharauis en Tindouf.
F. Situation of the Saharan refugees
F. La situación de los refugiados saharauis
That of the Saharan ones... we have seen You to die in the desert.
La de los saharauis. Te hemos visto morir en el desierto.
The Saharan ones they cannot live in our country.
Los saharauis no podemos vivir en nuestro país.
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