Translation for "rose-which" to spanish
Translation examples
The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom until his 21st year.
La rosa que ella le había ofrecido era una rosa encantada, que permanecería en flor hasta que él cumpliera 21 años.
Miss Dare will appear in The Lady Of The Rose which was a hit musical of the London season.
La Srta. Dare aparecerá en La Dama de la Rosa, que fue un éxito en Londres.
And one day, when the little princess was walking in the royal gardens she noticed a lovely pink rose which she could not remember having seen before.
Y un día, cuando la joven princesa caminaba por los jardines reales vio una preciosa rosa que no recordaba haber visto antes.
You are that tender rose which, in the desolation of the earth, has opened its heart to me.
Tú eres la tierna rosa que se ha abierto para mí en esta tierra desolada.
Not even the rose, which I won immediately thereafter, could comfort Anna.
Ni siquiera la rosa, que gané enseguida con el próximo disparo, pudo consolar a Anna.
and in the glare of electric light at the station he saw at his feet a rose which had fallen from her dress.
y a la luz eléctrica de la estación vio a sus pies una rosa que se le había caído a su mujer del vestido.
He had not expected to be resisted, especially by the singular magic commanded by the Rose, which was of a nature too subtle for Chaos easily to understand.
No había esperado encontrar resistencia, sobre todo mediante una magia singular controlada por la Rosa, que era de una naturaleza demasiado sutil como para que el Caos la comprendiera con facilidad.
The incinerator at the Wyckoff Houses housing project was on fire every other day, or so it seemed, a plume rose which the air refused to dissolve.
La incineradora de las casas protegidas de Wycockoff funcionaba cada dos por tres, al menos lo parecía, emitiendo un penacho rosa que el aire se negaba a disolver.
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