Translation for "root-word" to spanish
Translation examples
Gavin prefers to break it into the root words to capture a meaning he feels is lost.
Gavin prefiere descomponerlo en las palabras raíz para capturar un sentido que en su opinión se ha perdido.
It was a derivative of the root word for beast, bah, easily recognized, but the suffix ro had been added.
Era un derivado de la palabra raíz que significaba bestia, bah, fácilmente reconocible, pero se le había añadido el sufijo —ro.
The root word shakan, usually translated as “to live,” originally meant “to lead the life of a nomadic tent dweller.”
La palabra raíz shakan, normalmente traducida como «vivir», originalmente significaba «llevar la vida de un morador nómada de las tiendas».
“I would have liked to combine that with a few other choice souls.” “Aswindan,” Bentham recited. “Root word swind.
Me habría gustado combinarla con unas cuantas otras almas escogidas. —Aswindan —recitó Bentham—. Palabra raíz swind.
These root words were so similar to those in use among the great anthropoids as to suggest that the language of the Manus was the mother tongue.
Aquellas palabras raíz eran tan semejantes a las que utilizaban los grandes antropoides que parecían sugerir la idea de que el idioma de los manos era la lengua madre.
Only then had he spoken to her of getting back-to have her suggest that he remain permanently as "mother" for his people. (The root word translated as "mother" is used for every position of authority in the Venerian speech;
Solamente en este momento habló de volver… para oír como ella le sugería que se quedara permanentemente como «Madre» para su pueblo (la palabra raíz aquí traducida como «madre» se utiliza para todo tipo de autoridad en el lenguaje de Venus;
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