Translation for "rocklike" to spanish
Translation examples
But just below the skin, rocklike muscle.
Pero debajo de la piel, músculo como roca.
Take that record off and put on something rocklike and heroic——
Quita ese disco y pon algo heroico y firme como una roca.
Odysseus was rocklike, unshakeable; just having him at my back calmed me.
Ulises era como una roca inquebrantable, tenerlo a mi espalda me tranquilizaba.
You can shirk none of the cruel necessities.’ His voice was rocklike. ‘None,’ he said.
No puedes eludir ninguna de las crueles necesidades. —Su voz era dura como la roca—. Ninguna —concluyó.
Beyond the hard, rocklike volume in which we were caged was an absolute void from which my thoughts flinched.
Más allá del duro volumen de roca en el que estábamos atrapados había un vacío absoluto del que huían mis pensamientos.
The massive Troll was seated with rocklike solidity in the center of the waiting assemblage as the voice of the presiding Troll continued to drone on.
El enorme troll estaba sentado con la firmeza de una roca en el centro de la asamblea mientras la voz del troll de la presidencia continuaba hablando con monotonía.
It was a rocklike, severe face which showed on the screen, stern and strengthened by inner authority that Eric had not seen before in the Mole ... or had he? Yes, he thought.
Era un rostro severo, como una roca, el que aparecía en la pantalla, firme y decidido y fortalecido por una autoridad interna que Eric no había visto antes en la Mole…, ¿o sí? Sí, pensó.
his mother had given to him her steadfast eye and her firm mouth and her look of something rocklike in the very substance of which his flesh was made.
Había heredado de su madre los ojos resueltos, el mentón voluntarioso y su mirada firme como la roca, de cuya substancia su carne había sido hecha.
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