Translation for "ripping it" to spanish
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Translation examples
She clawed his shoulder, her nails ripping into his skin.
Le clavó las uñas en el hombro, rasgándole la piel.
He felt his coat pulled down, shirt ripped.
Notó que le quitaban el abrigo y le despojaban de su camisa rasgándola.
And shoved him in the gravel at recess, ripping his pants.
Y le hizo caer a la grava de un empujón durante el recreo, rasgándole los pantalones.
But the dog jumped again, and snapped his teeth, catching me by the seat of my pants and ripping them.
Pero saltó otra vez, agarrándome del pantalón y rasgándola.
She pushed at him, her fingers locking into the fabric of his shirt, ripping it sideways.
Lo empujó, sus dedos atrapados en el tejido de su camisa, rasgándola.
He hit the fence, barbs tearing his clothes, ripping his hands.
Se agarró a la valla, los espinos rasgándole la ropa y desgarrándole la mano.
Something else started climbing his right leg, ripping his trousers as it went.
Otra cosa empezó a subirle por la pierna derecha, rasgándole el pantalón a su paso.
Impatiently, he slipped his knife inside the neck of the thief’s woolen tunic and ripped it to the hem.
Introdujo impaciente su cuchillo por el cuello de la túnica de lana, rasgándola hasta el orillo.
Back and back they drove him, ripping his clothing, bringing blood now here, now there.
Le empujaron más y más hacia atrás, rasgándole las ropas y haciéndole sangrar aquí y allá.
  Bud ripped burlap.
Bud rasgó la arpillera.
Killing rips the soul apart.
Matar rasga el alma.
Something ripped, behind her.
Algo se rasgó detrás de Susan.
Hilmi ripped off the cellophane wrapping.
Hilmi rasgó el celofán.
Then she rips the scarf in half.
Luego rasga el fular por la mitad.
The sound of a shot ripped the silence.
El sonido de un disparo rasgó el silencio.
Parker took it and ripped it open.
Parker lo cogió y lo rasgó violentamente;
The garment ripped and fell away.
La prenda se rasgó y cayó al suelo.
Pari rips the package open.
Pari rasga el envoltorio del paquete.
A blinding flash ripped through the shadows.
Un rayo cegador rasgó la oscuridad.
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