Translation for "ringed seal" to spanish
Translation examples
Ringed seal/T. inermis
Foca anillada/T. inermis
Polar bear/Ringed seal
Oso polar/Foca anillada
Ringed seal/G.wilkitzkii
Foca anillada/G.wilkitzkii
Ringed seal/T. libellula
Foca anillada/T. libellula
The summer breakup of offshore ice has marooned them on land where they can't hunt their favorite prey the ringed seal.
Debido al deshielo de las zonas costeras durante el verano, quedaron aislados en tierra donde no pueden cazar su presa favorita la foca anillada.
But a female ringed seal uses several lairs and a bear will have to break into a number before it finds one that is occupied.
Pero una foca anillada hembra utiliza varias cuevas y un oso deberá revisar varios antes de encontrar una que esté ocupada.
In fact, the ringed seal abandoned her den just a few hours ago and her pup has climbed up onto the surface.
De hecho, la foca anillada abandonó su guarida hace unas horas, y su cachorro ha subido a la superficie.
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