Translation for "right-minded" to spanish
Translation examples
Marcos Saldarriaga’s situation was very serious, she said, he was not in his right mind, who could be, held prisoner day and night, by people he doesn’t even know, not knowing for how long, perhaps till his death? The things Marcos said were just private affairs, misunderstandings, matrimonial quarrels, desperation, and it was not wise to bring such a letter to a woman as distressed as Hortensia.
Era muy dura la situación de Marcos Saldarriaga, dijo, no estaba en sus cabales, ¿quién puede estarlo, prisionero de la noche a la mañana, por gente que ni conoce, sin que se sepa por cuánto tiempo, acaso hasta morir?, lo que decía Marcos eran sólo intimidades, malentendidos, disgustos de pareja, desesperaciones, y ya no era prudente traer una carta semejante a una mujer tan lastimada como Hortensia.
Lindsay, the right-minded people in this city are rooting for you.
—Lindsay, la gente honrada de esta ciudad está contigo.
posed by the Packhorse Library. All right-minded citizens are advised to decline its use.
que supone la Biblioteca Itinerante. Se aconseja a todos los vecinos honrados que renuncien a su uso.
Any right-minded person who hadn’t the responsibility of sponging down her booth afterward would have admired her.
Cualquier persona honrada que no tuviera la responsabilidad de fregar el reservado después la habría admirado.
I will be putting this to our governor at the earliest opportunity, and I hope that as many of you as are right-minded citizens out here will be supporting me.
Haré llegar esta propuesta al gobernador en cuanto tenga oportunidad y espero que todos los vecinos honrados que hay entre ustedes me apoyen.
We’re right-minded citizens after all.’ Margery looked sanguine. But Alice noted the way her hand closed around the leaflet, and a tendon ran tight along her neck.
Al fin y al cabo, somos vecinas honradas. —Margery parecía optimista, pero Alice vio el modo en que cerraba la mano alrededor del pasquín y se le tensaba un tendón en el cuello—.
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