Translation for "reverse the polarity" to spanish
Reverse the polarity
Translation examples
-Have you tried to reverse the polarity?
¿Intentaste invertir la polaridad?
Naturally, it couldn't be anything as simple as just reversing the polarity of the gas.
No sería tan sencillo como invertir la polaridad del gas.
If I can reverse the polarity on this phaser, we can get them back.
Si puedo invertir la polaridad en este phaser, podemos regresarlos.
If I can just reverse the polarity, send out waves of super energy.
Si pudiera invertir la polaridad mandando ondas de super energía...
You've got to reverse the polarity and get out of there.
-Tienes que invertir la polaridad y salir de ahi!
Maybe we can alter the array to reverse the polarity of the vortex.
Tal vez podamos alterar la matriz para invertir la polaridad del Remolino.
They’ve got a Sadiri priest and some monks housed there, and they’ll help him realign his nodes or reverse his polarity or whatever it is he needs done to him.
Tienen un sacerdote sadiri y unos cuantos monjes alojados allí, y ellos la ayudarán a realinear sus nódulos o invertir su polaridad o lo que necesite que le hagan.
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