Translation for "resistlessly" to spanish
Translation examples
I shrank back... but the closing walls pressed me resistlessly onward.
Retrocedí, pero los muros, al cerrarse, me empujaban irresistiblemente hacia adelante.
Beneath him Lawler could feel the long roll of the world-ocean, the great swinging planetary surge of it, as the colossal wall of water on which they rode swept them resistlessly along.
Lawler podía sentir debajo de sí el eterno movimiento del mundo oceánico, el enorme oleaje planetario, mientras la enorme muralla de agua sobre la que cabalgaban los arrastraba irresistiblemente.
Voluntarily he had kept himself in bondage, fighting ceaselessly the obstacles in his way, triumphing over his handicaps as few other men had triumphed, rising, slowly, steadily, resistlessly, until now—.
Voluntariamente se había refrenado, combatiendo sin cesar los obstáculos que hallaba en su camino, triunfando de los obstáculos como pocos hombres hubieran triunfado, alzándose lenta, tenaz, irresistiblemente, hasta ahora.
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