Translation for "reoffenders" to spanish
Translation examples
In contrast to the situational offender, they are notorious reoffenders, seeking out vulnerable children.
Por oposición al delincuente situacional, estos son claramente reincidentes y buscan a niños vulnerables.
The Act of 10 August 2007 was applied to 438 reoffending minors.
La ley de 10 de agosto de 2007 ha sido aplicada a 438 menores reincidentes.
(c) Working with communities to establish local solutions to deal with low-level offenders and support reduced reoffending in the community.
c) Trabajar con las comunidades para llegar a soluciones locales aplicables a los delincuentes de bajo nivel y prestar apoyo a los delincuentes reincidentes de la comunidad.
This Centre and other centres invariably house a large number of inmates who tend to be a mixture of first offenders, reoffenders and sentenced prisoners.
Estos centros mantienen constantemente una densa población reclusoria, que tiende a mezclar delincuentes primarios, reincidentes y quienes están cumpliendo una condena.
These centres are intended for reoffending minors in particularly vulnerable personal and domestic situations.
Esos centros acogen a menores reincidentes en situación de gran fragilidad personal y familiar.
Steps were taken to tackle the problem of reoffending criminals.
Se adoptaron medidas para hacer frente al problema de los delincuentes reincidentes.
The strategy includes 37 initiatives to reduce women's offending and reoffending, imprisonment, and victimisation.
La Estrategia incluye 37 iniciativas para reducir el número de casos de mujeres que cometen trasgresiones, reincidentes, presas y víctimas de malos tratos.
Twentyone minors, to whom the minimum sentence was applicable, were sentenced as reoffenders.
Veintiún menores reincidentes fueron condenados cuando era aplicable la pena mínima.
It would probably be necessary to continue imprisoning the perpetrators of serious and violent offences and reoffenders.
Probablemente sea necesario seguir encarcelando a los autores de los delitos más graves, a los reincidentes y a los autores de crímenes violentos.
Since I’ve been here, I have seen about thirty new prisoners arrive, and the only ones who avoid this initiation are the reoffenders.
Desde que estoy aquí he visto llegar a una treintena de presos nuevos, y los únicos que saben salvarse son los reincidentes.
He often said that his day-to-day work was simple, because he could rely on his network of informants—who kept him up-to-date on the criminal underworld—and because most petty criminals were already on file. They were reoffenders, drug addicts, and alcoholics locked in a cycle, or else just stupid, they left a string of clues behind them, tripped up on their own tails, betrayed and informed on each other, and eventually collapsed under their own weight.
Sostenía que su trabajo rutinario era fácil, porque contaba con una red de soplones que lo mantenía informado del hampa, y porque la mayoría de los delincuentes comunes tiene ficha, son reincidentes, viciosos, adictos, alcohólicos, o simplemente estúpidos, porque dejan un reguero de pistas, tropiezan con su propia sombra, se traicionan y delatan unos a otros y al final caen por su propio peso;
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