Translation for "reminding them" to spanish
Reminding them
Translation examples
A few leaves came rustling down to remind them that outside autumn was coming on.
Unas hojas secascayeron recordándoles que fuera llegaba el otoño.
First of all she addressed the women, reminding them of the sacrifice they must make.
Primero se dirigió a las mujeres, recordándoles el sacrificio que debían hacer.
But I stopped them by reminding them that they had only two thousand words at their disposal.
Pero las hice callar recordándoles que solo tenían dos mil palabras a su disposición.
At Vasily’s bedside, Maksim rose and cleared his throat, reminding them that they weren’t alone.
Maksim, que estaba junto a la cama de Vasili, se levantó y carraspeó, recordándoles que no estaban a solas.
The geldings moved listlessly in the corral, bumping the fencing with their noses, reminding them that they were hungry.
Los caballos se movían nerviosos en el corral, golpeaban la cerca con el hocico recordándoles que tenían hambre.
She adored young Maggie, and was very fond of Rory, and she was always reminding them to be "prudent."
Adoraba a Maggie, sentía gran cariño por Rory, y siempre estaba recordándoles que fueran «prudentes».
Keep serving your people well by liberating their talents and reminding them of the compelling cause they are working toward.
Sigue sirviendo a tu gente liberando su talento y recordándoles la causa apremiante hacia la que avanzan.
For example, Paul instructed the people to live unselfishly, reminding them that the Lord was coming soon:
Por ejemplo, Pablo instruyó a las personas a ser gentiles y vivir sin egoísmos, recordándoles que la venida del Señor estaba cerca:
I have my own peer house, he tells them, reminding them right at the start of one of their major concessions.
Tengo mi propia casa de pares, les dice, recordándoles nada más empezar una de las principales concesiones que le hicieron.
The task of the rauti is to run alongside men as they charge into battle, and to keep up their courage by reminding them of who they are.
La tarea del rauti es correr junto a los hombres que cargan al ataque e infundirles valor recordándoles quiénes son.
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