Translation for "reliables" to spanish
Translation examples
Reliable data are lacking.
Faltan datos fiables.
No reliable data available.
No hay datos fiables al respecto.
Are measures reliable?
¿Son fiables las mediciones?
Dissemination of reliable information
Difusión de información fiable
Quantitative techniques require reliable statistics, hence reliable information systems.
Las técnicas cuantitativas necesitan estadísticas fiables y, por tanto, de sistemas de información también fiables.
There is no reliable funding to them.
No hay una financiación fiable para ellos.
- how reliable it is methodologically
- si es fiable metodológicamente
Reliable resource commitments.
Compromisos de recursos fiables.
32. The register itself is not reliable.
El registro en sí no es fiable.
Wait. Least reliable?
Espera. ¿Menos fiables?
They're more reliable.
Son más fiables.
Oh, old reliable.
Oh, viejo fiable.
It's utterly reliable.
Es totalmente fiable.
You're not reliable.
No eres fiable.
Honest and reliable.
Honesto y fiable.
Old, but reliable.
Viejo, pero fiable.
It's very reliable.
Es muy fiable.
They're super reliable.
Son super fiables.
Will this new one be reliable?
¿Será fiable este otro?
But it was supposed to be reliable.
Pero se suponía que era fiable.
But none was reliable.
Pero su testimonio no era fiable.
“And least reliable?”
—¿Y la menos fiable?
A reliable witness.
—Una testigo fiable.
“The contractor is reliable?”
—¿El contratista es fiable?
It’s reliably insane.
Tiene una demencia fiable.
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