Translation for "relentless war" to spanish
Translation examples
In that context, we have always given our support, to the extent that we are able, to the Government and the peoples of Bosnia in their legitimate quest for a society reconciled with itself in peace and unity for the reconstruction of a country that has been sorely tried by more than four years of relentless war.
En esta perspectiva, no hemos dejado de apoyar, en la medida de nuestras posibilidades, al Gobierno y los pueblos de Bosnia en su búsqueda legítima de una sociedad reconciliada consigo misma en paz y unidad para reconstruir un país que ha padecido durante más de cuatro años una guerra implacable.
      "If you refuse, it will be war, relentless war;
–Si no, la guerra, la guerra implacable;
»It will be a relentless war that will not cease until we have returned to it. to take your daughter away from that miserable one and we have reduced him to the last misery".
»Será una guerra implacable que no cesará hasta que le hayamos vuelto a quitar tu hija a aquel miserable y le hayamos reducido a la última miseria».
We are fighting a relentless war against evil, the salvation of Christendom depends on our victory, thousands of men are risking their lives at this very moment in the trenches.
Libramos una guerra implacable contra el mal, de nuestra victoria depende la salvación de la cristiandad, miles de hombres se juegan el pellejo a esta hora en las trincheras.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which has suffered and continues to suffer from acts of terror, has launched a relentless war against terrorism, enacted regulations that punish perpetrators, inciters and sympathizers with terrorist activities and has introduced counter-terrorism as one of the main subjects in the curricula of its schools.
El Reino de Arabia Saudita, que ha sufrido y continúa sufriendo actos de terror, ha emprendido una guerra sin cuartel contra el terrorismo; ha promulgado leyes que castigan a los autores, instigadores y partidarios de los actos de terrorismo; y ha introducido la lucha contra el terrorismo como uno de los temas fundamentales del programa de sus escuelas.
The Government of India spoke of peace but was waging a relentless war against the Kashmiris and Pakistanis with the aim of wrecking the talks started at Pakistan's initiative between India and Pakistan, and continuing the repression of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
El Gobierno indio habla de paz, pero libra una guerra sin cuartel a los cachemires y pakistaníes con el objetivo de hacer fracasar las negociaciones entabladas por iniciativa de las autoridades pakistaníes entre la India y el Pakistán, y continuar la represión contra el pueblo de Jammu y Cachemira.
“I’m sure you guys can deal with it,” she said with no concern whatsoever. After waging such a relentless war of her own, Reeva had forgotten how to be afraid.
—Seguro que sabréis resolverlo —replicó Reeva, sin la menor inquietud. Tras librar su propia guerra sin cuartel, ya no se acordaba de lo que era tener miedo.
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