Translation for "red as a lobster" to spanish
Red as a lobster
Translation examples
You boiled yourself as red as a lobster, then hurried to bed to avoid a chill.
Te pones a hervir hasta estar rojo como una langosta, luego corres a la cama para evitar refriados.
When he looked down your blouse, he went as red as a lobster.
Cuando miró bajo tu blusa, se puso tan rojo como una langosta
I can still picture the red of the lobster and the red of the geraniums, Annette clutching her blue dressing gown over her chest and holding back her tears.
Veo de nuevo el rojo de la langosta y el rojo de los geranios, Annette que se ceñía su bata azul sobre el pecho y que no lloraba.
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