Translation for "received by" to spanish
Translation examples
"Received by the Lieutenant Colonel"
"Recibido por el Teniente Coronel"
I don't know. Compliment received, by the way.
Cumplido recibido, por cierto.
He was received by the Pope.
Fue recibido por el Papa.
They were received by the English outpost.
Fueron recibidos por un puesto de avanzada inglés.
I was received by emperor Sigismund himself.
Fui recibido por Su Majestad Segismundo.
¬ Have you received by mail?
—¿Lo has recibido por correo?
They wish to be received by Your Majesty.
Esperan a ser recibidos por su Majestad.
All received by DI Morton.
Todo recibido por DI Morton.
About a letter received by Greg?
En cuanto a la carta recibida por Greg.
The fake telegram received by Mrs. Morane...
El falso telegrama recibido por la señora Morane...
“But you’ve received them?”
—¿Pero las ha recibido?
“No. I have not received it.”
—No, no la he recibido.
“No, I never received it.”
—No, no lo he recibido.
He never received it.
—Él no la ha recibido.
Received and understood.
Recibido y entendido.
They received a letter.
Han recibido una carta.
“Information received.”
—Por información recibida.
It was not well received.
No fue bien recibido.
It was respectfully received.
Y fue recibida con respeto.
That, and information received.
De eso, y de la información recibida.
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