Translation for "reads them" to spanish
Translation examples
She reads them all the time.
Los lee todo el tiempo.
Does she read them?
¿ella los lee?
Leni reads them to me.
Leni me los lee.
Who reads them now?
¿Quién los lee ahora?
Does anyone read them?
¿Alguien los lee?
- Do you really read them all, my dear?
- ¿Los lee todos?
She reads them may secretly.
Quizás los lee a escondidas.
- Nobody reads them.
- Nadie los lee.
Helena reads them nightly.
Helena los lee cada noche.
Why don't you read them?
Por que no los lee?
You read them in the bathroom?
¿Los lee en el baño?
“Everybody reads them, Father.”
Los lee todo el mundo, papá.
People read them and enjoy them.
La gente los lee y le gustan.
He reads them and signs at the bottom.
Skip los lee y firma al pie.
And nobody reads them.
Nadie las lee.
He never reads them, Liz.
Nunca las lee, Liz.
He reads them many times.
Las lee muchas veces.
I bet Lucia reads them.
Seguro que Lucía las lee.
My, but you read them fast.
- Qué deprisa las lee.
You think he read them?
¿Piensa que las lee?
- You always read them.
Usted siempre las lee.
My nephew reads them.
Mi sobrino las lee.
And you read them alone.
Y uno las lee cuando está solo.
Everyone has read them;
Todo el mundo las lee;
He likely doesn't even read them.
Probablemente, ni siquiera las lee.
My mother reads them and becomes upset.
Mi madre las lee y le afectan.
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