Translation for "railroad engineer" to spanish
Translation examples
A young railroad engineer who aspires to be a soldier decides to single-handedly save his beloved train,
Un joven ingeniero ferroviario que aspira a ser soldado... decide por sí solo salvar a su amado tren...
Then, “A woman?” “Yeah, Sam, I know they didn’t have female riverboat pilots or railroad engineers in your day.
Luego: —¿Una mujer? —Exacto, Sam. Ya sé que no había mujeres piloto de barcos fluviales ni ingenieras de ferrocarriles en tus días.
One of his earliest playmates, the son of a railroad engineer who had done odd jobs for the temple, had lived there when Ranjit was small, and Ranjit remembered the house well.
Uno de sus amigos de infancia, hijo de un ingeniero del ferrocarril que se había encargado de las reparaciones de escasa relevancia del templo, había vivido allí siendo él pequeño; de modo que recordaba bien la casa.
This former railroad engineer had been captured by his bureaucracy and his job, just like the last one had been -- he'd died at the relatively young age of seventy-eight, before he could be expelled from his Politburo chair.
Aquel ex ingeniero de ferrocarriles estaba atrapado por la burocracia y por su cargo, al igual que su predecesor, fallecido a la edad relativamente temprana de setenta y ocho años, antes de que pudieran expulsarlo de su escaño en el Politburó.
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