Translation for "radiantly" to spanish
Translation examples
9. The S 6.50 card depicts an angular portrayal by Günter Leidenfrost (Austria) of the Vienna International Centre against a radiantly blue sky.
9. La tarjeta postal de 6,50 chelines austríacos muestra una representación angular del Centro Internacional de Viena, con un fondo de radiante cielo azul, realizada por el Sr. Günter Leidenfrost (Austria).
For example, there is an expectation that the international community, including public opinion, will radiantly receive from the heights a limited treaty, restricted to non-proliferation aspects.
Por ejemplo, existe cierta expectativa de que la comunidad internacional, incluyendo la opinión pública, recibirá radiante, caído de las alturas, un tratado limitado, restringido a aspectos de no proliferación.
To me, Princess you are a jewel that glistens more radiantly than the five-colored stone that shines from the dragon's neck!
Para mí, Princesa... sois una joya que brilla más radiante... que la piedra de cinco colores que cuelga del cuello del dragón.
... radiantly bright, always laughing and young, doesn't fit to your...
radiante, dulce, siempre riendo y juvenil, no pega con sus...
Radiantly you rode through your lands, and the people thronged around you.
Cabalgabas por tus tierras, radiante, y la gente se agolpaba a tu alrededor.
And then smiled radiantly.
Y luego sonrió radiante y dijo:
He smiled radiantly.
Él lanzó una sonrisa radiante.
cried Ruth, radiantly.
—gritó, Ruth, radiante—.
“Alexa is radiantly happy.”
—Alexa está radiante de felicidad.
Arsinoe smiled radiantly.
Arsinoe sonrió radiante.
Today-" Carys smiled radiantly.
Hoy… Carys sonrió, radiante.
radiantly, God sat within it.
Dios, radiante, estaba sentado en su interior.
Laura looked up radiantly.
Laura, radiante, levantó la mirada.
Alice smiled at me radiantly.
– me preguntó Alice, con una sonrisa radiante-.
Matthew continued to beam radiantly on her.
Matthew continuó radiante sobre ella.
The purplish-red tower embraces the sunlight and shines radiantly.
La torre púrpura abraza la luz del sol y brilla radiantemente.
Blake smiled radiantly.
Blake sonrió radiantemente.
She answered the door, radiantly beautiful.
Respondió ella a la puerta, radiantemente hermosa.
Mary Beth looked radiantly happy.
Mary Beth se veía radiantemente feliz.
And his body, wasted though it was, was likewise still radiantly his.
Y su cuerpo, consumido como estaba, todavía era asimismo radiantemente suyo.
SHE: [smiling radiantly] Oh, you’re Amory Blaine, aren’t you?
ELLA (Sonriendo radiantemente.): Oh, tú eres Amory Blaine, ¿no?
She looked radiantly happy and so on, but I wanted details.
Estaba radiantemente feliz, etc., etc., pero a mí me interesaban los detalles.
She looked radiantly serene, her eyes flashing with self-confidence.
Ahora se la veía radiantemente serena, con un brillo de seguridad en los ojos.
No one could have looked more radiantly well than Fred Blake.
Nadie podía haberse visto más radiantemente sano que Fred Blake.
As she backed out of the driveway she smiled radiantly at her companion.
Mientras salía marcha atrás del camino de entrada sonreía radiantemente a su compañero.
Becky did not come out, but watched through the front bay window, a small radiantly blond ghost.
Becky no salió, pero miró a través de la ventana delantera, un pequeño fantasma radiantemente rubio.
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