Translation for "put something in" to spanish
Put something in
Translation examples
"Let's put something in the microwave,"
"Vamos a poner algo en el microondas"
Enough to put something in their stomachs.
Lo bastante para poner algo en sus estómagos.
I better put something in it.
Es mejor poner algo en ella.
He just put something in that cup.
Acaba de poner algo en ese vaso.
Make you wanna put something in the plate.
Que quieran poner algo en el plato.
You could put something in this bag.
Podés poner algo en esta bolsa.
You've got to put something in your stomach.
Tienes que poner algo en tu estómago.
I'll put something in their heads!
- ¡Trato de poner algo en sus cabezas!
I saw you putting something in the glasses.
Te vi poner algo en los vasos.
Then you put something in your pocket.
Luego de poner algo en su bolsillo.
‘You just put something in that drink.’
–Tú acabas de poner algo en esa bebida.-
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