Translation for "pulsator" to spanish
Translation examples
I activated the pulsator.
He activado el pulsador.
I want it to say "Pete's Pulsator."
Quiero que diga "El pulsador de Pete".
In addition, the machine has an adjustable heating element, automatic pump, a pulsator in the side wall and a stainless steel lid.
Sin olvidar la graduación de la temperatura, la bomba automática, el pulsador y el cierre inoxidable.
Now it was over, and gently they removed the electrodes from various portions of his body, unwrapped the pulsating band from his upper arm, moved the machinery away.
Los operadores retiraron suavemente los electrodos conectados a diversas partes de su cuerpo, desligaron la banda pulsadora de su brazo y apartaron la maquinaria a un lado.
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