Translation for "protein s" to spanish
Protein s
Translation examples
I've got a protein S deficiency. My blood clots all the time.
Tengo falta de proteína S. Siempre tengo coágulos.
Protein C, protein S, factor V leiden?
Proteina C, proteina S, factor V leiden?
He's on day 10 of ECMO and has, uh, protein "S" deficiency.
Está en su décimo día de OMEC y tiene deficiencia de proteína "S".
She must have a protein S or an anti-thrombin deficiency.
Tendrá deficiencia de proteína S o antitrombina.
You might want to read about advances on protein S deficiency.
Igual te interesa leer acerca de los avances en la falta de proteína S.
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