Translation for "probably say" to spanish
Translation examples
If you asked me to fetch you some donuts, I'd probably say yes, but that's only because you're paying and I'm hungry.
Si me pides que te traiga algunos donuts, probablemente diga que sñi, pero solo porque pagas tú y tengo hambre.
"I'm probably saying some political stuff right now to sound smart."
"Probablemente diga algo de política ahora mismo para sonar inteligente".
"I'm probably saying something in French." Aah!
"Probablemente diga algo en francés".
But first, you tell me how you think that's gonna happen, and then I'll probably say the same thing.
Pero primero dime tú como va a pasar, y después yo probablemente diga lo mismo.
He'll probably say something very moving.
Probablemente diga algo muy conmovedor.
Like the Good Book probably says,
Como la Biblia probablemente diga,
His insane reaction to a simple rectal thermometer reading probably says a lot more about his mother than it says about me.
Su exagerada reacción ante un simple examen de temperatura anal probablemente diga más sobre su madre que sobre mí.
Hyun Suk will probably say something.
Probablemente diga algo.
Well, she'd probably say I'm overbearing, and too judgmental, but I'm her mother.
Bueno, probablemente diga que soy controladora y crítica. Pero soy su madre.
I mean her folks probably say the same shit about me.
Su gente probablemente diga la misma mierda sobre mí.
And so what they did with money probably says as much about the American soul, circa 2003, as it does about Icelanders.
Por eso lo que hicieron con el dinero hacia 2003 probablemente diga tanto del sentir norteamericano como de los islandeses.
Her only crime was that she was one of "them", that she belonged to -- as the killer would probably say -- the wrong ethnicity or religion.
Su único delito era ser uno de "ellos", pertenecer -- como el asesino probablemente diría -- a la etnia o la religión equivocadas.
I would probably say two or three.
Probablemente diría que dos o tres.
I'll probably say yes.
Probablemente diría que sí.
Well, I'd probably say
Bien, probablemente diría
If she were here, she would probably say,
Si estuviera aquí, probablemente diría...
I'd probably say bourbon.
Probablemente diría whisky.
I guess... I'd probably say...
Creo que... que probablemente diría...
Well, I'd probably say... bollocks!
Bueno, probablemente diría... maldición!
I would actually probably say
Yo probablemente diría
In your shoes, I'd probably say the same.
—En su lugar probablemente diría lo mismo.
‘Yes, he’d probably say dozens of times.’
—Sí, probablemente diría que docenas de veces.
Probably say he's gone missing like Bertha Jorkins."
Probablemente diría que ha desaparecido como Bertha Jorkins.
“Yes, I thought you’d probably say that,” she said sadly.
–Sí, pensé que usted probablemente diría eso –dijo tristemente.
"He'd probably say he died for what he believed in," I said. Viveros snorted.
Probablemente diría que murió por lo que creía. Viveros hizo una mueca.
Even if you could dig to the very bottom of his motives, he'd probably say-at the most-that he was hating me for my own good.
Aunque se pudiera ahondar en sus motivos, probablemente diría, como mucho, que me odiaba por mi propio bien.
He would probably say, "There was something queer about him, if you know what I mean. He had an odd turn of phrase and didn't seem to know where he was.
Probablemente diría: «Hablaba de una manera extraña y no parecía saber dónde estaba.
He’d probably say she shouldn’t have been there in the first place without knowing how to defend herself, and he was probably right.
Probablemente diría que no debería haber estado allí para empezar sin saber defenderse, y seguramente tendría razón.
That was what the police would say; that was what he himself would probably say if some patient came to him with a similar story.
Eso era lo que la Policía diría, eso es lo que probablemente diría él en el caso de que acudiera un paciente y personificara su paranoia con una historia semejante.
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