Translation for "postsurgical" to spanish
Translation examples
Susan popped over-the-counter Tylenol with regularity, which only did a little to control the gnawing postsurgical pain.
Susan tomaba regularmente paracetamol, que apenas aplacaba el punzante dolor posquirúrgico.
Even the program of exercises he did for his postsurgical wrist seemed a little detached, four times a day, an odd set of extensions and flexions that resembled prayer in some remote northern province, among a repressed people, with periodic applications of ice.
Incluso el programa de ejercicios que hacía a cuenta de su muñeca posquirúrgica parecía algo ajeno, cuatro veces al día, una extraña combinación de estiramientos y flexiones que semejaban plegarias de alguna remota provincia septentrional, entre gente reprimida, con aplicaciones periódicas de hielo.
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