Translation for "polyhymnia" to spanish
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“Euterpe, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Clio, Thalia, Erato, Urania, Melpomene, Calliope.”
—Euterpe, Polimnia, Terpsícore, Clío, Talía, Erato, Urania, Melpómene, Calíope.
Lolli picked the cat up and dumped her on her own lap. “Yeah,” Dave said. “Polly and Lolli.” “Polyhymnia,”
Lolli levantó a la gata y la dejó en su propio regazo. "Sí", dijo Dave. "Polly y Lolli". “Polimnia”, dijo Luis.
I thought they were all probably dead, but the last two that I thought had any chance of being alive—Erato and Polyhymnia—have been confirmed dead.
Pensé que cabía la posibilidad de que ya no quedara ninguna con vida, pero se ha confirmado la muerte de las últimas dos que tal vez siguieran vivas: Erató y Polimnia.
Clio was Muse of history, Urania of astronomy, Melpomene of tragedy, Thalia of comedy, Terpsichore of the dance, Calliope of epic poetry, Erato of love-poetry, Polyhymnia of songs to the gods, Euterpe of lyric poetry.
Clío era la musa de la historia, Urania de la astronomía, Melpómene de la tragedia, Talía de la comedia, Terpsícore de la danza, Calíope de la poesía épica, Erato de la poesía amorosa, Polimnia de los cantos a los dioses y Euterpe de la poesía lírica.
Already Polyhymnia, leaning on her elbow, had begun to resume the golden thread of her meditations; already, in the gardens, the comely Graces and the Nymphs and Satyrs were weaving their mazy dances, and at length the earth had joy once more within its grasp.
Ya Polimnia en actitud pensativa reanudaba el hilo de oro de sus meditaciones, y en los jardines, las ninfas y las gracias honestas formaban con los sátiros coros de danza. Por fin, el mundo recobraba su alegría.
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