Translation for "polishs" to spanish
Translation examples
He was Polish and he had Polish citizenship.
Era polaco y tenía ciudadanía polaca.
83. Pursuant to Polish law, Polish citizens abroad are also obliged to abide by the provisions of Polish law.
83. En virtud de la legislación polaca, los ciudadanos polacos residentes en el extranjero están obligados a cumplir las disposiciones de la ley polaca.
She's Polish.
Ella es polaca.
You're Polish.
Tú eres polaca.
The Polish maid, the Polish maid.
La doncella polaca, la doncella polaca.
With Polish one, Polish Army Orchestra.
La polaca, la Orquesta Polaca del Ejército.
I'm Polish...
Yo soy polaco...
Whoa, watch the Polish, watch the Polish.
Mira al polaco, mira al polaco.
You already Polish... Technically, you Polish.
Bueno, usted ya esta polaco, técnicamente... esta polaco.
Says: I Love Polish Girls.” “Oh. Are you Polish?”
Dice: «Me encantan las polacas». —Oh. ¿Eres polaco?
Kwan started muttering: “Polish-Jewish, Polish-Jewish.
—Judía polaca, judía polaca —musitó Kwan—.
The Polish Sergeant?
—¿El sargento polaco?
The name is Polish.
—El nombre es polaco.
In Polish, of course.
En polaco, por supuesto.
“But you were Polish and this doctor was Polish.” “Not exactly. I was a Jew.”
–Pero usted era polaco, y aquel médico era polaco. –No es eso exactamente. Yo era judío.
If only his fondness for her hadn’t inspired this maudlin caricature of Polish patriotism, Polish suffering, Polish chivalry.
Ojalá el afecto que él le tenía no hubiera inspirado aquella sensiblera caricatura del patriotismo polaco, el sufrimiento polaco, la hidalguía polaca.
Polish village, exactly.
—Eso es, de una aldea polaca.
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