Translation for "pleasingly" to spanish
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A few couplets that roll pleasingly off the tongue.
Unas cuantas rimas de esas que se enrollan gratamente en la lengua.
When he rose off the bar stool, he was pleasingly surprised to feel his heart accelerate.
Cuando se levantó del taburete se sintió gratamente sorprendido al notar que se le aceleraba el corazón.
I could leave behind Cambridge and its association with Tony, and I could lose myself in London’s crowds – there was something pleasingly tragic about that.
Podía dejar atrás Cambridge y su vínculo con Tony, podía perderme en las multitudes de Londres; había en ello algo gratamente trágico.
But by the late 1950s this way of life had already become a quaintly historical thing. The rumours and realities of his unregenerate life-style, like his contempt for his homeland, became amusing... and even pleasingly authentic to the vulgar mind, with its propensity for confusing serious creation with colourful biography, for allowing Van Gogh's ear to obscure any attempt to regard art as a supreme sanity instead of a chocolate-sucking melodrama.
A finales de los cincuenta ese peculiar estilo de vida se había convertido en un atractivo elemento histórico. Los rumores y verdades sobre su incorregible carácter, al igual que su desdén por su país natal, se volvieron entretenidos, e incluso gratamente auténticos, para las mentes vulgares, esas que tienden a mezclar las creaciones serias con la biografía colorida, a permitir que la oreja de Van Gogh eclipse cualquier intento por concebir el arte como la cordura suprema, y no como un melodrama para ver con una bolsa de palomitas.
I suppose I should be resigned... there must be worse fates than being pleasingly plump.
Supongo que debería resignarme... debe haber cosas peores que ser agradablemente regordeta.
Coming from England, this building is pleasingly familiar.
Proveniente de Inglaterra, este edificio resulta agradablemente familiar.
At best, I'm pleasingly eccentric.
A lo sumo, soy agradablemente excéntrico.
Now you got to call them ho's "pleasingly plump."
Ahora a las putas hay que decirles "agradablemente redondeadas".
It should be neither too slender nor too squat, of equal symmetry and smell pleasingly of pine.
No ha de ser ni muy delgado ni muy pequeño, simétrico y debe oler agradablemente a pino.
Hopefully making the whole experience kind of, pleasingly circular.
Con suerte, logrando una experiencia agradablemente circular.
I read somewhere that solomate was pleasingly plump.
Leí en algún sitio que Salomé era agradablemente regordeta.
You're face is pleasingly symmetrical.
Tu rostro es agradablemente simétrico.
There is something pleasingly simple about warfare.
Hay algo agradablemente simple sobre la guerra.
It was pleasingly disturbing.
Era agradablemente perturbador.
A pleasingly curious finding.
Un hallazgo agradablemente curioso.
It was tightly muscled yet pleasingly curved.
Estaba muy musculado pero agradablemente torneado.
It’s pleasingly old-fashioned in the age of Facebook.
Resulta agradablemente anticuado en la época de Facebook.
The file of his own investigation was becoming pleasingly plump.
El legajo de su propia investigación iba engrosándose agradablemente.
He was clean-shaven and smelled faintly, pleasingly, of musk.
Thiago estaba recién afeitado y olía ligeramente, agradablemente, a almizcle.
She was a shapely small brunette with pleasingly precise features.
—Era una morenita bien torneada, con unas facciones agradablemente precisas.
Dllenahkh noted in grave Sadiri fashion that the music was pleasingly harmonious.
Dllenahkh advirtió, con grave estilo sadiri, que la música era agradablemente armoniosa.
To be smiled on by Eleanor Masters Solanka was to feel subtly, pleasingly complimented.
Recibir una sonrisa de Eleanor Masters Solanka era sentirse sutil, agradablemente halagado.
All the air hung with the scents of herbs and spices and some things not so pleasingly perfumed.
La atmósfera de la habitación estaba inundada por el aroma de hierbas y especias y por otras cosas no tan agradablemente perfumadas.
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