Translation for "placidly" to spanish
Translation examples
The flock would not maybe sleep so placidly if he/she knew who arrived at the island before them.
La manada quizá no dormiría tan plácidamente si supiera quién llegó a la isla antes que ellos.
And you just sit there and you nod placidly.
Y usted se sienta ahí y asiente plácidamente.
“No,” said Poirot placidly.
—No —replicó Poirot plácidamente—.
The woman nodded placidly.
La mujer asintió plácidamente.
Orange placidly floating.
La naranja flotaba plácidamente.
Cogo smiled placidly.
Cogo sonrió plácidamente.
asked the empress placidly.
—preguntó la emperatriz plácidamente—.
Hadley nodded placidly.
Hadley asintió plácidamente.
David looked at him placidly.
David le miró plácidamente.
Chipman said placidly.
Porquerías —insistió Chipman plácidamente—.
“No,” agreed Jenny placidly.
—Es cierto —asintió plácidamente Jenny.
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