Translation for "pitiableness" to spanish
Translation examples
10. These measures, which were very hastily decided upon on 31 July 1996, are unlimited with regard to their objective and duration and are illegal and unfair, added a series of misfortunes and suffering to the already pitiable drama caused by the civil conflict.
Estas medidas, decididas con toda precipitación el 31 de julio de 1996, de objetivo y duración ilimitadas, ilegales e injustas, han añadido una serie de miserias y sufrimientos al drama ya patético causado por el conflicto civil.
Who was the writer hidden behind the pseudonym Richard Loser, whose tragedy portrayed such a pitiable array of want, misery and tumult?
¿Quién es el escritor que se esconde tras el seudónimo Richard Loser, y que en su tragedia da forma a una cantidad perturbadora de pecaminosa miseria, necesidad y locura?
The little girls with their pale faces and furtive ways, the restless novices, the priestesses whose looks were stern and cool but whose lives were all a secret brangle of jealousies and miseries and small ambitions and wasted passions– all these women, among whom she had always lived and who made up the human world to her, now appeared to her as both pitiable and boring.
Las niñas pequeñas, de caritas pálidas y aire furtivo, las turbulentas novicias, las sacerdotisas, frías y austeras en apariencia, pero cuyas vidas eran una secreta maraña de celos, miserias, mezquinas ambiciones y pasiones vanas;
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