Translation for "picturesquely" to spanish
Translation examples
- Well, they spoke very picturesquely.
- Bueno, hablaban muy pintorescamente.
Perhaps by Springwater Picturesquely Overrun.
Quizás junto a Deshielo Pintorescamente Desbordado.
Sometimes, picturesquely, it is very much to the point;
A veces, pintorescamente, logra dar en el clavo;
Camps were scattered picturesquely under the cottonwoods.
Los campamentos individuales hallábanse pintorescamente esparcidos por entre los árboles.
It is situated, most picturesquely, in a southwestern state that must remain anonymous here.
El instituto está muy pintorescamente situado en un estado del Sudoeste que debe permanecer anónimo aquí.
He soon came to a sign picturesquely out of place with the rural surroundings, designed with a ť.
Pronto llegó a un anuncio que contrastaba pintorescamente con el entorno rural.
Groups of labourers, quietly but picturesquely clad, were passing up and down in sufficiently large numbers;
Grupos de labradores, pacíficos, pintorescamente vestidos, pasaban arriba y abajo en gran número;
Bloomberg was now sitting under the piano, on an island of sunshine, rather picturesquely washing his face.
Bloomberg estaba sentado bajo el piano, en una isla de rayos de sol que bañaban pintorescamente su rostro.
Along the outer side of the moat is a short walk beneath a row of picturesquely stunted elms;
A lo largo del lado exterior del foso discurre un corto paseo bajo una hilera de olmos pintorescamente raquíticos;
Towards the east, through a curtain of verdure, picturesquely raised in some places, sparkled an horizon of sea.
Hacia el este, a través de una cortina de verdura pintorescamente levantada en ciertas partes, aparecía un resplandeciente horizonte de mar.
The only picture above the mantelpiece was an oil painting of dead pheasants picturesquely lying beside a bowl of grapes.
Sobre la repisa de la chimenea solo colgaba un óleo con faisanes muertos pintorescamente dispuestos junto a un cuenco de uvas.
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