Translation for "physical and psychological" to spanish
Translation examples
Jack passed both of his evaluations - physical and psychological.
físicas y psicológicas.
High adrenaline can cause physical and psychological reactions.
Mucha adrenalina puede causar reacciones físicas y psicológicas.
He was a master of physical and psychological torture.
Era un maestro de la tortura física y psicológica.
They were specifically targeted at our physical and psychological weaknesses.
Se enfoca específicamente en nuestra debilidades físicas y psicológicas.
Physically and psychologically, they are serenely self-contained.
Tienen una serena autosuficiencia tanto física como psicológica.
It inflicts unbearable suffering, both physical and psychological.
Inflige un sufrimiento insoportable, tanto físico como psicológico.
No doubt there were many such differences, physical and psychological, among them;
Sin duda existían muchas diferencias, físicas y psicológicas entre ellos;
It’s mostly shock, both physical and psychological, that they’re suffering from.
Ahora sufren más bien un shock tanto físico como psicológico.
There’s a great physical and psychological toll with each successive drop.
Cada salto supone una gran carga física y psicológica.
The scars, both physical and psychological, would remain with him for the rest of his life.
Las heridas físicas y psicológicas permanecerían con él para el resto de su vida.
I’ve been beaten up both physically and psychologically but I don’t even have the right to complain.
He recibido golpes físicos y psicológicos, pero no tengo derecho a quejarme.
The two spent twenty minutes going over Strachey’s physical and psychological history.
Dedicaron veinte minutos a repasar la historia física y psicológica de Strachey.
Because ofbothyour physical and psychological makeup, you can deal with more than just about anyone, Web.
Por tu preparación física y psicológica eres mucho más resistente que la media, Web.
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