Translation for "people listening" to spanish
Translation examples
Don't you get tired of doing the same thing every night, seeing the same people, listening to the same music?
¿No te cansas de hacer lo mismo cada noche, viendo la misma gente, escuchando la misma música?
Because there are people listening.
Porque hay gente escuchando.
- There could be people listening.
- Podría haber gente escuchando.
Yeah, she has, but now, finally... ..there's people listening.
Sí, lo ha hecho, pero ahora, por fin... hay gente escuchando.
Basically we knew that there were just a few people listening to and being "black metal,"
Básicamente, sabíamos que había poca gente escuchando y "viviendo" el Black Metal.
Harold: The ridiculous orchestra, the people listening...
La ridícula orquesta, la gente escuchando...
People listening, jotting stuff down.
Gente escuchando, anotando cosas.
Well, whoever he is, there are too many people listening at corners.
—Bueno, sea quien sea, hay demasiada gente escuchando en los rincones.
Comrade Pillai lowered his voice as though there were people listening, though there was no one about.
El camarada Pillai bajó la voz como si hubiera gente escuchando, aunque no había nadie cerca.
There were too many people listening for Franklin to make the obvious reply—that if the control room had to be abandoned it wouldn’t matter anyway.
Había demasiada gente escuchando para que Franklin diese la respuesta lógica: Si tenían que abandonar la sala de control, ya todo daba igual.
The speeches were more or less the same as the ones they’d made earlier, but they seemed to generate more energy with so many people listening and reacting, with shouts echoing what had just been said.
Dijeron más o menos lo mismo que habían dicho antes, pero sus discursos generaron más energía, porque había mucha más gente escuchando y reaccionaba repitiendo a gritos las palabras de las oradoras.
I had never felt so utterly alone in my life, as I walked among these people listening to their pleasant talk and hearing the same tale of safety and blessings over and over again.
Mientras paseaba entre esas gentes, escuchando su amable cháchara y las interminables historias sobre la seguridad y las maravillas de la población, me percaté de que jamás me había sentido tan solo.
she saw the rows of faces, the people listening, some with anxiety, some with relaxed pleasure… she saw, seated inconspicuously in the corner, two men, Andrew Gill and with him a slender, good-looking young Negro.
vio las hileras de rostros, la gente escuchando, algunos con ansiedad, otros con relajado placer… vio, sentados directamente en un rincón, a dos hombres, Andrew Gill y a su lado un delgado y apuesto negro joven.
Still, the people listen.
A pesar de todo, la gente le escucha.
People listening to themselves.
La gente se escucha a sí misma.
People listen to me now.
—Ahora la gente me escucha.
She said people listen to you.
Dijo que la gente te escucha.
And people listen to me when I'm screaming!'
¡Y cuando yo grito, la gente me escucha!
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