Translation for "people carrier" to spanish
Translation examples
The rain drummed on the bodywork of the people carrier.
La lluvia batía la chapa del monovolumen.
A dozen yards away was a people carrier. At the wheel a friar.
a unos diez metros había un monovolumen; al volante, un fraile;
It’s Aladdin, in his people carrier, late for his appointment. It’s not.
Es Aladino, en su monovolumen, llegando tarde a la cita. No lo es.
At eight a people-carrier clearly identified as a taxi drew up.
A las ocho, un monovolumen camuflado como un taxi paró junto a la entrada.
In the centre of town a people carrier is nosing its way through night traffic.
En el centro de la ciudad un monovolumen avanza con cautela entre el tráfico.
She looked up to see a people-carrier that appeared to be stuffed with kids.
Levantó los ojos y vio un monovolumen que parecía ir lleno de niños.
The helicopter takes over, pinpoints the people carrier, puts a halo over it.
El helicóptero toma el relevo, localiza el monovolumen, pone un halo en torno a él.
Two people carriers with blacked-out windows waited for them at the kerb, their engines running.
Dos monovolúmenes de cristales tintados les esperaban en el bordillo con el motor encendido.
Aladdin’s left hand performing a puppet show in the rear window of the people carrier.
Aladino, con la mano izquierda, hace teatro de marionetas en la ventana posterior del monovolumen.
They climbed into a people-carrier emblazoned with the logo of Green Way International Disposal and Recycling;
Subieron a un monovolumen engalanado con el logo de Green Way International Disposal and Recycling.
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