Translation for "penthrite" to spanish
Translation examples
The premises are rigged with three 220 pounds penthrite charges.
Los inmuebles están armados con tres cargas de 100 kilos de pentrita.
In it were found 2 grenades, 5 kilos of penthrite and a detonation system.
Dentro se encontraron 2 granadas, 5 kilos de pentrita y un sistema de detonación.
The minute explosion would leap into the gaine, causing the penthrite wax to detonate. This set off the picric acid, which in turn caused the main filling of TNT, amatol and aluminized powder, to explode.
La miniexplosión saltaba al multiplicador y hacía que la pentrita detonara, lo que liberaba el ácido pícrico, que, a su vez, explosionaba la carga principal de TNT, amatol y polvo de aluminio.
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