Translation for "peas or beans" to spanish
Translation examples
A family tending a fenced garden of peas and beans.
Una familia se ocupaba de un huerto vallado de guisantes y judías.
There was one special little patch close to the house where we put in tomatoes and Hubbard squash and some peas and beans.
Había una pequeña parcela especial cerca de la casa donde plantamos tomates y calabaza y algunos guisantes y judías.
There was a lot more about these days, a bread made from flour ground up with dried peas and beans and dried vegetable scrapings.
Últimamente abundaba mucho más; era un pan hecho de harina molida con guisantes y judías secos y con sobras vegetales.
Vegetables and fruits were grown too – peas, strawberries, beans and lettuce by 1921, and the apples were harvested on an industrial scale.
También cultivaban verdura y fruta: guisantes, fresas, judías y lechuga ya en 1921; y cosechaban manzanas a escala industrial.
They made their way to the centre of this space between high rows of peas and beans, growing up poles with supporting netting.
Se abrieron paso hasta el centro de aquel lugar entre altas hileras de guisantes y judías, que crecían junto a unas estacas que sostenían una red.
Far from the kitchen and the inner keep was a hollow Vixen had scraped out under a corner of a rickety outbuilding where sacks of peas and beans were stored.
Lejos de la cocina y la torre interior había una oquedad excavada por Fosca bajo una esquina de un edificio desvencijado donde se guardaban sacos de guisantes y judías.
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