Translation for "pearwood" to spanish
Translation examples
That's sapient pearwood you're dealing with.
Te enfrentas con madera de peral sabio.
Ezra had his pearwood recorder.
Ezra llevaba su flauta de madera de peral.
`Sapient pearwood, you know?' Rincewind carried on, watching him anxiously.
Madera de peral sapiente, ¿sabe? -continuó Rincewind, mirándolo con ansiedad-.
He spread his hands out upon the pearwood marquetry. “Exactly.
—Ashton Palmer extendió las manos sobre la marquetería de madera de peral. —Exacto.
There was a pair of strange little paintings on glass in varnished pearwood frames.
Había un par de cuadritos raros, pintados sobre cristal y con marcos de madera de peral barnizada.
She heard his little pearwood recorder playing “Greensleeves” before she was even dressed.
Jenny le oyó tocar «Greensleeves» con su pequeña flauta de madera de peral antes de vestirse siquiera.
But he comforted himself with the nowledge that it was made of sapient pearwood, and ought to be intelligent enough to look after itself .
Pero se consoló recordando que estaba hecho de madera de peral sabio, suficientemente inteligente como para cuidarse solo...
We watch as she sways across the room on her bound feet and sinks into a carved pearwood chair.
Entra en la habitación, balanceándose sobre sus pies vendados, y se sienta en una silla labrada de madera de peral.
She was touched by the fact that he was taking along his little pearwood recorder, the one he’d bought with his first week’s wages.
La conmovió ver que se llevaba su pequeña flauta dulce de madera de peral, la que había comprado con su primera paga.
During that last visit, Ezra got his old pearwood recorder from the closet and showed Luke how to play a tune.
Durante su última visita Ezra sacó del armario su vieja flauta de madera de peral y le enseñó a tocar una canción.
The chariot was a synoris, a two-horse racer of walnut and pearwood;
El carro estaba hecho para ser tirado por dos caballos de carreras. Era un carro ligero, construido con madera de nogal y de peral;
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