Translation for "palace were" to spanish
Translation examples
The Palace of Justice in Bogotá was attacked by the M-19, a leftist guerrilla movement; several guards were killed and 400 hostages from the Palace were taken, among whom were 11 of the 12 Supreme Court judges of the Penal Chamber.
El Palacio de Justicia de Bogotá fue atacado por integrantes del M-19, un movimiento guerrillero de izquierda; resultaron muertos varios guardias y 400 personas fueron tomadas como rehenes del Palacio, entre ellos 11 de los 12 magistrados de la Sala Penal de la Corte Suprema.
Towns and temple palaces were sacked and burnt.
Las ciudades y palacios fueron saqueados y quemados. Los seres humanos...
That's funny, because I thought you going into the jungle by yourself, being chased by jaguars, lying to me to take you back to the palace were all really bad ideas.
Que curioso porque creo que ir a la jungla tu solo, ser perseguido por jaguares, y mentirme a mi para que te llevarte al palacio fueron todas muy malas ideas.
The walls of the palace were reinforced with the bricks, 15 layers deep, to prevent anyone from coming in.
Las paredes del palacio fueron reforzados con los ladrillos, 15 capas de profundidad, para evitar que alguien viene pulg
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