Translation for "owed to him" to spanish
Translation examples
Withers shook hands with the Navajo while Shefford briefly related what he owed to him.
Withers estrecho la mano del navajo mientras Shefford explico brevemente lo que le debía.
God had not been concerned with the kindness that human beings should show to one another, but with the cultic fealty that Israel owed to him.
Dios no había estado interesado en la bondad que los seres humanos debían mostrarse los unos a los otros, sino en la fidelidad de culto que Israel le debía.
While he was alive I didn’t ever give Hildmann a thought, but after he was dead I realized how much I owed to him.
En vida era una persona en quien ni se me ocurría pensar, pero una vez muerto me di cuenta de cuánto le debía.
His heart was weighed down because his natural and unfortunate subjection to passion had been a betrayal of the woman he loved, who owed to him the loss of parents and home.
Tenía apesadumbrado el corazón porque su sujeción natural y desgraciada a las pasiones había sido motivo de que traicionara a la mujer a quien amaba, que le debía a él haber perdido padres y hogar.
As a reward for the peace which he owed to him — because for learning you need peace, peace and yet more peace — he had appointed him a small honorarium of 100 schillings a month.
Por la paz que le debía —pues para estudiar se necesita paz, más paz y solamente paz—, él le había asignado una propinilla de cien chelines mensuales.
What really matters in all this is that when Sanchís took over the running of the Banca Ubach on behalf of the shareholders, he refused to give Valls what he claimed was owed to him, promised by the deceased.
Lo esencial del caso es que al hacerse cargo de la gestión del accionariado de la Banca Ubach, Sanchís negó a Valls lo que él afirmaba que se le debía y se le había prometido por parte del difunto.
As I’ve said, he had a strong reliance on the government, going back to the New Deal days and the REA, extending through his years in the Air Force, where everything was taken care of because much was owed to him for his service.
Como ya he dicho, tenía una gran confianza en el gobierno, desde los tiempos del New Deal y la REA, y luego sus años en la Fuerza Aérea, donde se ocupaban de todo lo concerniente a su persona, dado que se le debía mucho por su servicio en ella.
That much was owed to him.
Era una deuda que habían contraído con él.
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